Today is my birthday. Twenty Somethin'. Today also marks the day that my husband has officially received his papers to "clear post". In the military community this means that you are one step closer to moving. So we are now twenty somethin' days away from stepping foot into our new home in Arizona, the next assignment! Which is why THIS will be my last post until July. As much as I love to blog, and as much as I will
need to blog the stress and chaos of moving my family across the country, I decided to put my portrait sessions, blogging, and I Heart Faces contests on hold for awhile and focus my love and attention onto my children and the task at hand. Have you ever tried to explain to a preschooler why men are stealing his toys in large quantities with a large truck?? If you have then you know the incredible task I have before me... I will return in July, and if my best laid plans follow through I will be revealing a new blog, and a fully updated website reflecting a winter of military homecomings and traditions and a ton of recent clients. Our family had an enormously busy week;
Julie and I took the kids to the zoo in Waco one last time, my college roommate, Meg, arrived from NYC, joining Julie as co-God Mother to The Baby, who was baptized on Pentecost Sunday. Head over to
Julie's Blog for AMAZING photos from the day! We were happily entertained by Gary Sinise and "The Lieutenant Dan Band" here at Fort Hood, awesome show, and I took Meg to her first military homecoming ceremony at 12:30am on Monday morning. The Boy summarizes our current state of life by spending most of the last two days upside down! To hold you all over I'd like to share the highlights with the following twenty somethin' images (no, you cannot count the number of images to see how old I am.) See you in July!