I can't believe I'm here...

I can't believe I am here. It's 10:15pm, I should be in bed, I should be washing the dishes, or my hair, or laundry, and yet I am here, in cyberspace, trying to figure out how to set up a blog. Who on earth will want to read about my life, other than my mother? Bookmark this page, come back every once and awhile. There is bound to be five spare minutes each week for me to tell the tale of a two year olds most recent encounter with Dermabond (oh what a boy will do to postpone bedtime!) or re-hash a close encounter with the two inch long cockroach that rises from the grave and reappears in my bathroom each day; life in a house with two growing sons is NEVER dull. At the very least, like tonight, there might be a glimpse of "real life" from one of my recent photo shoots. Last weekend I was privileged to photograph a lovely young family with two daughters who have the most brilliant flaming red hair- just gorgeous!


Anonymous said... at June 18, 2008 at 5:33 AM

I can't believe you started a Blog! You still surprise me with all you get done in a day.Thanks for mentioning me in your first entry
Love those pictures of the redheads!
But then I'm prejudice and love all your work.