On this cloudy day, a welcome change from high temperatures and humidity, I found myself with one child down for a nap and one child just up from a nap. I guess Mommy isn't napping today... The Baby, still a willing model for the camera, obliged me and played nude in the grass while I putzed with unfamiliar camera settings. The result? Images of my sweet angel that epitomize his sunny, infectious personality. Unlike my moody two year old, The Boy, whose adventurous and inquisitive brain often finds trouble where trouble never existed, The Baby is sweeter than a candy shop, mellower than Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb", and smiles more than the average beauty queen. If first borns were this lovely, EVERYONE would be trying for more! The Baby makes getting out of bed in the morning easy. For those of you who love my babies as much as I do, we've had many a milestone this week; 7 month old Baby is now sitting up on his own, he scooches forwards and backwards and is miliseconds away from crawling, tooth number two will probably push through the gumline by bedtime tonight. The Baby is definitly going to have hazel eyes and the hair is leaning toward strawberry blond. The Boy might be a carbon copy of his father but fair Baby is all mine! The Baby is my sunshine on this cloudy day!
One final milestone, I've always wondered when The Boy, the mockingbird, would mimic breastfeeding, afterall, he mimics everything else that I do, the good and the bad... I'm simultaneously embarrased and proud that he knows how to assemble a breastpump. Well, it happened. Monday night after dinner he climbed up into one of the porch chairs with my boppy pillow around his waist and says to his Grandmother: "Memom, help baby!" My mother obliged him and put The Baby in The Boy's lap. The Boy lifted his shirt for The Baby and says "Boy feed baby nipples, baby bite it off!" Who needs a show like Last Comic Standing when you could just move in with a talking toddler!
Jul 09
I've Got Sunshine
Love the 2nd one and the third ones best! Funny little narrative, too. As long as Andy doesn't try to nurse Sydney we are okay...
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