Sometimes, when working with toddlers and small babies, there is a need for second chances. I experience this all the time with my own children who are 19 months apart in age. To date I have only three really good photos of my boys together, with neither child blinking, two smiles, and looking in the same general direction. My secret? Patience, and fruit snacks and other edible joys; a big brother will do quite a bit for the pleasure of one solitary fruit snack...
And so it was that this charming young man, on our first encounter, truly wanted nothing to do with his baby sister. It happens. Mama had expressed that her dream pictures were of the kiddos together and I tried my best to fulfill the request. We tried just about every way we could think of to coax him into the same frame or even in the background of the photo. No dice. A forced toddler will only turn ugly, quickly. Fortunately we had the opportunity to meet up once more and by the grace of the photography gods, our little man was more than obliging! A different day = a different child! He sat and cuddled like a champ and we were handsomely rewarded- pun intended! Enjoy Mama, I hope we got what you were after!
Oct 12
Second Chances
It's amazing what a little bribery can accomplish. That first picture says it all,with the smiles,body posture (pretty good for a 7 month old) right down to the curl of their toes! Cute kids, great pix.
My favorite is the 2nd one, with the little man popping up from behind his sister. Definitely worth the second trip! Mom will be very pleased.
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