A Zoo-per Trip!

Vacation days are here! Autumn in Texas has proved to be the absolute best time of year to enjoy day trips around Central Texas. The Waco Zoo, just a quick hour from Fort Hood, is a wonderful, condensed, well organized zoo, perfect for toddlers and strollers. The animals are plentiful and their enclosures are just the right size for keeping even the shy and sleepy close up for viewing. On this particular Monday, we were one of about 5 families touring the loop. The Gibbons' monkeys were mocking a five alarm firehouse at full tilt. Though covered with algae, the otters were back in their watery enclosure and the slide that goes through their habitat remained our favorite stop for play and pictures. The rare photo of me with our youngest son was masterfully composed by my husband who is loving my new digital technology.


Julie Rivera said... at November 8, 2008 at 10:26 AM

Kuddos to Dad for that sweet feeding picture with your babe! And, knowing full well you had to shoot the fish through glass, that is one great picture!