This week is something totally different at I ♥ Faces, and a genuine challenge for yours truly. All week long I was trying to capture a silhouette worthy of this weeks theme, and all week long I failed. I finally figured out that my failed attempts were unsuccessful because I wasn't allowing myself enough time with the new concept and the subject. All week long I was shooting moments that were happening too fast and unscripted, like the surprise wedding proposal in the hot air balloon, and then the wedding we attended last night that turned out to not have a photographer present. (Of course I had my camera and the hopeless romantic in me shot the whole event!) I really needed a chance to play with this new challenge for I had never before intentionally shot a silhouette. I needed willing subjects, no time limit, and M&M's... So after dinner tonight we loaded all the cowboy gear we could pony-up, drove out to a hillside, and wrestled with the wee lads, who only wanted to fight over the broom horsey. I couldn't be more excited with my final image and I am sure that silhouettes will quickly become part of my style, what with all of those amazing Arizona sunsets in my near future! Just three weeks left until the big move...
Technical notes: These are my two boys. The older is riding one of those bouncy horses on a frame, which was cloned out using a variety of layers and masks in CS3. I use a Canon 40D, had my 35-170mm lens, shot at ISO 100, f/16, 1/125 of a second. I was shooting directly into the bright Texas sunshine at 7pm, with the kids between me and the sun.
Go get inspired and join the fun at I ♥ Faces through the link below!
May 24
I ♥ Faces - Silhouettes ▌ Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona
Can I just say...."holy CRAP!"?????
Amazing right down to the star sunburst. WOW!
so tell me how you did the girl riding the horse? I had to have a frame right? WOW!
Oh my, that is amazing!
There's no hope for the rest of us to win with you and your amazing photos leading the way! =)
It's a great picture.
There was definitely something in your horoscope about the creative juices flowing, but there must be a flood in Texas!
Wow, you took that assignment to the MAX.
Love it, since I love anything that depicts the wee lads.
(Is the babe into M&M bribes too?)
Great Job!
WOW WOW WOW!!! I still need to work on mine...holy cow, you blow me away!!! Great job - I'm inspired. If only my two "subjects" (DH and DS) would wake up from their naps! Now my finger is itching!
AWESOME!!! How magnificent and what fun. Absolute fun. I hope this is getting blown up for the boys' room...
PS - YES...those AZ sunsets in your near future. Ohhhh...and some of that monsoon heat lightening!!! Can't wait to stay tuned to your site once you guys move. Thus the wonderfullness of the internet!!! LOL!
Oh my! That is just beautiful!
ummmm YEAH. This is the most awesome photo i've seen so far. Incredible
Okay this is totally cool!! I was wondering what kind of horse he was on until I read your notes. LOL! Very fun shot, reminds me of Toy Story. You have to hang this in their room!! Great job.
I Heart Faces
I love this!!!! What a fabulous should get a large canvas of this!!!!!! Great whimsical and fun!
oh girl - this is one amazing shot!
This IS THE winner!
Lord have sweet mercy, that is incredible! Can I just be jealous for a wee moment before I bow down? Awesome....
I cant even believe how awesome this is - seriously cool! I love it so much! :-) you rock as usual girl!
Karyn you're putting us all to shame girl! I will bow down to your awesomeness now.
That is one insanely awesome photo.
OMG I so should've sat this week out! This is incrediable! i hope you have a frame ready for it!!
WOW! So very cool, I can't even express how impressed I am, from the composition to the post processing.
This is just plain amazing.
This is the MOST ADORABLE PHOTO I have seen! LOVE it!!!! If you don't win I will be SHOCKED! & the sunburst through the hat...
You ROCK girl! Teach me .... please. (am I sounding like a weirdo now?)
great's my favorite....
K - too many choices for my wallpaper, so little time! When can we order prints? :)
- E
This is seriously awesome!!!
I'm humbled by your sweet comments! Every once in awhile a blind squirrel gets a nut! A big huge shout out to my DH who enthusiastically jumped on board when I asked him to carry the horsey out to the van and go on my adventure quest for a silhouette! I could not have done it without him for what the photo does NOT show is Daddy off to the left wildly encouraging the cowboys to whoop and yell and bust'a'cap! I will surely have to post another couple of shots from the series...
Wow this is stunning! I love the blue sky, the angle of the shot, and the processing. It is an amazing silhouette photograph. Well done!
O.M.G. This ROCKS my socks!!!! I love, love, love it and it should totally win! You knocked it out of the park. Again. Love your creativity here!
Are you kidding me?! This is the coolest photo ever!! Amazing Karyn...just amazing.
co-founder of iHeartFaces
This picture threw me off for a second... I was wondering how you did this shot! It looks like you took this off of a magazine! You did a fabulous job with the edit... extremely creative... and absolutely incredibly gorgeous.... great job!
HOLY CRAP!! That is just wonderful! Great job on the editing and everything else. WOW, WOW, WOW!
This is very cool. Best one I've seen yet!
That is really incredible. Fabulous job!
Totally awesome! Great editing as well.
Wow! This picture is amazing! I LOVE how fun it is!
Perfect! I was wondering about that horse.
Fun fun fun!! Texas cowboys make great silhouettes- and you did marvelous work!
This is awesome! I love it. What a clever idea to clone out the frame of the horse. ♥
Okay WOW! I mean seriously...
Are you kidding me? Awesome!
Wow...that is all I can think of to say!
ok this edit is by far my fave thus far!! I LOVE it!!!!
What a fun picture!
this is amazing! so original and definitely one of my favorites!
So glad you "get" what I mean about the sucky mom Wenche... I am going to have to start stalking your blog to get more tips/ideas... Your photos really are amazing! Wow... again
WOW!! That is AWESOME!!
Jen H
This is beautiful and wonderful! Love it!
This is really awesome work. Love it. My favorite part is the little starburst between your son on the horses neck and his hat. That is just perfect. I expect a winner for you!
This one hurts me it is sooooo beautiful. If it doesn't win I will be shocked! You should turn this picture into note cards, I bet your family would love to receive a card like this!
I am soooo inlove with this picture! How freaking amazing!
Very, very nice!! Way to go! I agree... you have to take the time to get the shot just right! You definitly got it right - wonderful!
i have to say, i saw this photo earlier this week and was just absolutely amazed, i couldn't stop thinking about it! (weird, i know!) but it was so creative and it made such an impression on me, i just love love love great photos! i will be very surprised if you are not one of this week's winners!!! great job!
totally beautiful and clever. of course, I expect nothing less from you, Karyn! :-)
That is crazy great!! That should be in a children's book!! Seriously wonderful. :)
my jaw dropped when i saw this one! AMAZING doesn't cover it!
Great Pic! I love how the little star shape of light is shining through where your son's hat and neck meet. It's like a little Sheriif's Badge!
that's my word verification word.
and it sounds like what my mind said as it lost all words.
or better put forth in the first comment:
holy crap.
I LOVE the little guy on the stick picture!
totally and completely amazing. i love the starburst of sun, it looks like part of the spur...
again, wonderful job.
OK - I think you should have won last week. This is such a darling shot!
how did i miss this? why or WHY didn't you win? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
Wow!!! I just love it.
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