Growing Up... ▌ Tucson Photographer, Arizona

Our military lifestyle doesn't lend itself to long term friendships. Try as I might to keep friendships going strong, more often than not we only hear from people when the Christmas cards start rolling in. One of the sweetest moments for our family this summer was getting to relocate to someplace where we have lived in the past, allowing us to reconnect with a dear family whom we've watched grow only in pictures. Way back in the day, I used to babysit for these precious young ladies. Then there came a time when my husband-to-be joined me in the effort. Then came the morning that I sat in their bathroom, having my makeup applied, my wedding dress hanging in their doorway (they lived a mile from the park where we got married.) We've shared some truly special moments, non-military moments, which are a breath of fresh air to me sometimes, to just relax outside of the military culture. Sure, we don't talk every day and months go by without an update, but when we see eachother again we pick right up where we left off, conversation flows faster than the monsoon waters racing through a Tucson wash. Yesterday we drove down to Tucson to spend the afternoon and late into the night hanging out poolside, getting the scoop on competitive jump-roping (which I am anxious to get my camera on!) and catching up on all of the latest and greatest things these precious ladies are up to. In turn we shared our talent of turning anything and everything into a laser gun and sent at least 20 rocket balloons up to live on their roof! Great friends = Great times! We can't wait to get together again for a real shoot!


Julie Rivera said... at July 24, 2009 at 6:19 AM

Competitive jump roping? Oh be still my beating photography heart! Isn't it wild to go back and see how much "little kids" have grown? You got some beautiful shots of the girls!

Maria Berg said... at July 30, 2009 at 1:09 PM

To capture the in the air is so funny and full of life. Blue eyes i love it, MB

Carol said... at July 30, 2009 at 7:21 PM

I can't seem to find the place that I'm technically supposed to be asking questions for your guest judge spot. So...I hope you find this comment and I'll ask my questions here.
1) you said that you carry two lenses in your shootsac - which two do you typically carry?

2) what are your secrets to getting your pictures crystal clear - you and Julie have a similar style, but the biggest similarity is the clarity of your shots. It's amazing. Can you help me out?

Hope you find my questions! You are an amazing inspiration. my email - if you have the time to answer - is grzylebear@gmail.com

Daiquiri said... at August 9, 2009 at 12:00 PM

Love those action shots!