My big brother is a fireman in Upstate New York. So it's no wonder that my own boys have taken up a fascination, no, an obsession really, with the occupation, especially The Baby (who is named after the fireman). I had an Elmo party all planned when the soon-to-be two year old announced "Firetruck party! Go fire station Now!" What is a mother to do? The big day was yesterday, waffle breakfast followed by presents, all various sizes and makes/models of the big red engine itself. Then off we strolled to the local fire station, a mere quarter mile away from our house. That is probably the coolest thing about living on a small military installation, it affords you opportunities that people in larger cities just can't manage. We peeked into the Chief's office and asked if we could just look at the truck and got the red carpet treatment. Fireman Steve must think I am a fire station stalker, as I believe he has treated my children to a tour of the trucks at two stations and the grocery store at least twice before. But I have to hand it to the Fort Huachuca Firemen who drove us around the block, had The Boy making announcements over the radio, and showed them around the Firehouse with such enthusiasm that The Baby, who has never before wanted to get inside the engines themselves (he always starts to cry!) was not only sitting alone in the driver's seat, but had to literally be pryed away from the visit with all my strength. I spent most of the weekend just watching The Baby, no longer a baby at all, seeing all the amazing ways he has developed. We've gone from the newborn stages to the humorous obsessions, like the tool belt he has been wearing all weekend, even over his pajamas. It's just amazing how time really flys. Happy Birthday Baby!
Dec 06
Chip Off the Ol' Namesake ▌Fort Huachuca Photographer, Arizona
Karyn, You need to hire Fireman Steve to take your family pictures. The babe is NOT crying!! Of course FS will have to work on getting everyone else to smile too, but one step at a time! How sweet,wish we were there for his birthday. But we'll do it all again later, right?
how completely adorable! I love that everyone got into taking photos too!
Happy Birthday little guy!
I am a HORRIBLE Godmother, I know! I have a card for the birthday boy, I have a gift...what I don't have is time to get myself to the post office! :) Looks like your clan will have to have an annual picture on the bumper of a fire engine...seems I took one of these last year at the Boy's party. :) Can't believe how the baby is so grown up. You need to think of a new name for him...Middie?
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