If these projects are all complete before baby's arrival, the post will be titled "It's a Miracle!". You'd think that God made pregnancy last ten months (yes people, for those of you who haven't been pregnant, it really does come down to 10!) to allow for enough time to assemble cribs and gliders and decorate the nursery. And, you'd think that having a third child of the same sex would make it easier because you would bring out the old stuff, wash it, and just set it up. However, what they don't tell you, is that on baby number three you start to feel guilty. You start to feel like if you aren't neglecting one of your children, you're neglecting another, or worse, you've forgotten that you are married! Not to mention, I've been looking at the same nursery decor for the last four years and Mommy The Artist is bored! So here they are, my best laid plans, or at least the fabric I have chosen for them. I was also hoping that I could do some wild editing on some of my safari photographs for wall decor, but the recent death of the external hard drive may have saved me from that time consuming project. Perhaps I should stop blogging and start sewing...
Feb 24
Finishing Touches ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona
Like to see that the creative juices are still flowing. Beware in your late night endeavors that the cute animal print might end up upside down if you just do a fold over. Good luck. It's better that you do a sewing project than the nesting stuff.
Great fabric choices! Any luck getting the sewing done you needed to do? Can't wait to see the finished product.
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