I was perfectly content with two bouncing baby boys... then I caught my eldest son standing on his head, which, if you are familiar with wives tales, means one of two things: a.) Stock up on contraception or b.) You are too late. This is precisely the position he displayed a week before we found out we were pregnant with boy number 2, and again, boy number 3...
Other things I should have paid closer attention to:
a.) Under no circumstances should a woman in her twenties EVER drink water that has not been imported in a sealed container while living in the city of Fort Hood, Texas. For those of you who don't know- Fort Hood is the baby making capital of the world. To be safe, avoid the ice as well.
b.) One should exercise EXTREME caution when standing close to, snuggling with, or even making eye contact with a Soldier Spouse recently home from a 15 month deployment- they are the most potent men on the face of the planet.
c.) Thou shalt not sell a single baby item in a PCS garage sale (PCS is when you move from base to base in the military world). Regardless of how cumbersome the strollers, car seats, and play gyms seem, you should always make room for them in the moving van and never give them away or God forbid, resell them...
This is quite possibly my last belly shot, taken on 3/2/2010.
And for comparison, here is a little collage of ALL the belly shots I did manage to accomplish over the course of the pregnancy:
And if this has been posted, it most certainly means we are on our way to the hospital to greet baby number 3!
Mar 15
Honey, It's Time! ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona
Praying for a safe, as-wonderful-as-possible delivery!!
Your belly shots are AMAZING!!!! Flare and silhouette and sweetness ... perfect, every one of them!!
(and, hehe: Our 3rd boy was quite the surprise. and yes, I had already given away stroller, carseat, and high chair!!)
Can't wait to "meet" your newest little one...
Congratulations on Baby Boy #3.Born 1:36AM 3/15/2010 (the midpoint of "in like a lion out like a lamb" month) WE are so happy that the labor and delivery are over. Now enjoy your 25 hours of "hospital rest". We can't wait to see what you do with all that natural light streaming in your hospital window.
Welcome to this world... little wonder!
Jumps a little for joy.
Welcome Little Man!
What a fabulous post! I know I read and re-read mine in the weeks leading up to giving birth, thinking it might help the baby make her debut. Glad you didn't have to wait until you actual due date! Can't wait to see the first pictures of the little man!! So happy for you and your family, Karyn!
Many congrats to you all!
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