Wide Angle Wildlife ▌Fort Huachuca Photographer, Arizona

It was a beautiful day for photography in Southern Arizona. It was overcast! I had some homework to do for an upcoming project so we loaded our circus up in the minivan and drove off into the desert. Spring is in full bloom here, my eyes are so swollen and itchy I can barely see to type, but it certainly yields plenty of gorgeous specimens for photography. I challenged myself and left the house with only my 10-20mm wide angle lens, not my first pick for photographing flowers (I was after architecture today). I will probably drive back to the roadside wildflowers tomorrow with my 24-70mm if the light is favorable. And why is it that these incredible patches of flowers only grow RIGHT next to the road, and you only come across them when the kids have JUST fallen asleep in the car (and stopping the vehicle will surely cause them to wake?!)... So you can neither photograph them properly without getting the road in the image, and you definitely cannot photograph the children playing in them as traffic flings past you at 65mph... The first few are from the winding neighborhoods and gardens in Bisbee, AZ, and the last few are all from the roadside near the San Pedro Riparian Area en route to Bisbee. These are all pretty much straight out of camera except for resizing. The quality of light today had an incredible impact on the colors!


Holly said... at April 18, 2010 at 8:36 PM

and SPRING! is here!

Julie Rivera said... at April 19, 2010 at 5:06 AM

(You need to change your comment thingy so I can look at pictures as I type...I have so much to say!) #1: yellow is hard to photograph. Not for you, though. Those puff ball flowers look like something my girl would wear on a headband. #2: the arch of the flowers against the stucco wall...perfection #3: spring time snow #4: what a fabulous crop and detail and that was with a wide angle?! #5-8: what gorgeous mix of color. We don't have much orange here, sticking to blues, reds and yellows #9: love the repetitive shape of this bloom as they stare up at you, open faced

Such good work and I love the challenge you gave yourself. I think you won!

ihavemostlybeen said... at April 19, 2010 at 6:02 AM

OOh I want some colour - we have just had a few days of sunshine here in West Yorkshire and it was bliss, back to rain this morning and your photos have brightened my day so thank you for that! I used to grow those orange poppies in my garden in Kent, they are lovely!

Nina Diane said... at April 19, 2010 at 1:24 PM

you photos are beautiful. what lens did you shoot with?

Susan said... at April 21, 2010 at 6:14 AM

Karyn, I had to come back for a longer look at this particular post--what amazing colors and textures you captured! Aside from loving the delicacy of the first batch of yellow flowers, I also love the first shot of the orange/yellow/blue wildflowers. Really impressive shots, Karyn!