Happy Mother's Day! ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona

Today was the greatest Mother's Day, and one of the greatest days period. My husband dipped into my stash of frozen milk for The Bundle to give me uninterrupted sleep this morning, resulting in a fantastic dream where I was an amazing kick boxer. When I finally awoke on my own time, (wow! when was the last time THAT happened?!) I was greeted with a delicious home cooked breakfast, my favorite, french toast and strawberries with fresh coffee, YUMMO! After opening the most adorable bud vase and plaster of paris hand print from my older boys, I was gifted with a delightful outing; a short road trip revealed a historic ranch setting to explore and take portraits, and I had my most favorite (semi cooperative) models along with me for a fun filled picnic and a game of tag. Per my request we picked up a pizza for dinner and after posting these pics I'll be chillaxin' with a new episode of "Army Wives". You can't top all that. Tomorrow our playgroup is off to the zoo, and it will probably be a ZOO of a day, or a circus, depends on how you look at it.

(Gotta give huge kudos to my talented husband for snapping a couple of me with my boys on this special day!)


Serline said... at May 10, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Your hubby is quite the photographer. And what an enjoyable Mother's Day... I'll have to drop this on my hubby to give him a little inspiration!

Merrie said... at May 10, 2010 at 2:39 PM

Hi Sweets,
Love, love, love the first shot. The hubby "done good". Miss you all and need some pictures of the mother's day gifts. Your dad enjoyed playing art teacher's assistant while the moms huddled in the mommy's room!

Julie Rivera said... at May 10, 2010 at 7:14 PM

You look so gorgeous, Karyn! And the one of you with the three boys...perfect lighting, perfect setting, perfect grouping...perfection! So glad you had such a wonderful Mother's Day!

Tiff Firth said... at May 13, 2010 at 7:26 AM

what a treasure to have. now I can put a face to your name.... all the way from downunder.