During the summer months here at Fort Huachuca, various groups of researchers gather to catch humming birds, record various data about each bird, band them with a tiny anklet, and release them for further tracking. It is a really neat process to witness. We've gone a couple of times to the different sites that are open to the public to watch. Sometimes they even let the kids hold the bird in their flat hand before release. On this particular morning two weeks ago, we were the only family there to watch and got a front row seat. One bird seemed a little tramatized by the capture and hung out on the volunteer's hand for what seemed like forever, allowing me to get such amazing pictures I was giddy for the rest of the day! He just sat there, starring straight at my lens, and then in a blink he was off again, and all you could hear was the humming of his tiny wings...
Jul 31
Incredible Close Ups ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona
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