
Here is one more from my shoot on Saturday. I was sitting here editing while all three boys napped (insert applause for napping miracles HERE) and when I came across this image I just sat and starred. Just because you are a photographer does not necessarily mean that you are as good in front of the camera as behind. Most often I have found that photographers are rather uncomfortable in front of the lens. I just hope when its my turn in a couple of weeks I can appear as relaxed as Sarah and her husband. I just keep thinking how neat it is to capture a mom, in her element, like no other has captured her before. I'm floating today...


Julie Rivera said... at November 17, 2010 at 7:28 AM

Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous! What a location, what a moment, how you made them feel in front of the lens is SO evident, Karyn! Kudos to you!!!

Ashley said... at November 21, 2010 at 11:35 PM

ahh! this is such a beautiful shot. I LOVE IT. When the hubs goes back to FT Huachuca for the CCC, I'm hitting you up for sa-weet locations.