Nearly a month has passed since I last blogged. Darn that felt good. And, to be honest, it felt right. I took the month of December off to spend some uninterrupted, unrushed, quality time with my family. Goodness knows I was still taking pictures, but I was also building gingerbread houses, decking the halls as creatively as one can with kids helping, and hosting "tea time" in the afternoons where my boys took to calling me "mother" with pretend accents, which I secretly really like. My boys have changed so much in the last three months, and not just The Bundle, who is sprouting teeth and mastering forward motion faster than I can blink away an eyelash! The Boy is about to wave goodbye to his "lady love", a precious preschool friend for whom his heart throbs, as she moves away to Fort Hood, in Texas. My Middle Man has decided that the toilet is a fine invention worth his time, and now we investigate the restroom of every facility we visit, at least twice. Every day leaves me in awe and I find myself thinking that this time, this age where they want my help, are hungry for my hugs and kisses, and happily climb on my lap for a dozen books, is not going to last as long as I'd like it to. I guess I always thought that everything would get easier as they all got older, but in fact no, with three on the move now, I am feeling like something has got to give. So, I've made some decisions, scaling back on work, which will include less frequent blogging, and I'll be saying the word "NO" a lot, to the adults in my life, and not so much to my kiddos.
Jan 12
A New Year, A New Pace
Awesome. I miss you. And I am tearing a bit as I think of that sentence. No, I'm crying. I really miss you.
Good for you! Your boys are very lucky to have a mom so truly dedicated to them. Enjoy the New Year :)
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