A Bicycle Built For Two - Sneak Peek!!

You might remember this couple from last weekend, the young man having just returned home from Iraq, greeted by his lovely fiance; does life get any more beautiful? Well, as many fine soldiers do, the very first thing he did was eat pizza. The next thing he did was call his bike shop to find out if the new Harley was ready. Can everyone please buy a Harley? If only to use as a prop for pictures?! This was too much fun! This adorable couple is probably still suffering perma-grin, whether from smiling at each other or giggling over my ridiculous requests during their couple's shoot: "Okay, now I'd like you, sir, to mount your bike, and you, miss, to mount your man" or "How about we head over here in front of the bathrooms, because bathrooms make great backdrops, no? And while we're here, can one of you climb into that sink? Do both of you fit into the sink?" By sunset there were too many favorites, and thus the very big sneak peek, ENJOY! (Can you all imagine how amazing this couple is going to look in dress blues and a wedding dress riding this motorcycle?!)


Merrie said... at March 20, 2009 at 6:23 PM

Oh wow! These R great! Love the color in the background (awning) and the last one? Can we have a do over for the "Iheartfaces" creative crop? Glad I came home to check these tonight.

Julie Rivera said... at March 21, 2009 at 12:29 PM

(Is your mom blogging?!) I have to say I think this is your most creative, beautiful, fun, awesome session to date! I love, love the bike pictures and I am thinking we might have to try that ourselves...hmmm... These are simply magnificent and they will be so happy!

Roxane said... at March 22, 2009 at 6:58 PM

Hi there. I came over from 2 under 2 whew! Your pictures are terrific. You really captured the joy in her face. Mr. H has a bike, I wish someone would take our picture on it ;)

Anonymous said... at March 24, 2009 at 6:21 AM

I also came from TUT. Whew! I love returning home photos! I don't have many of my husband's returns, but the few I have I treasure - the ones with the kids are priceless.

I really like the shot of the couple in front of the rusty wall. As much as the Harley ones are cool, I like the ones that don't seem posed :)

Tamara B. said... at March 24, 2009 at 8:16 AM

Are are such a great photographer my father was a professiona photographer all his life and he really loved doing it.

R and R Stacy said... at March 26, 2009 at 7:23 PM

Awesome motorcycle pictures!!