I ♥ MESSY Faces



So I agonized over this week's entry, again... It shouldn't be like this, it's a FUN website and winning isn't everything- except the most gratifying form of validation... What is messier than a baby and a plate of spaghetti?! And the little devil on my left shoulder is whispering to me "there will be a hundred spaghetti faces in the contest this week..." I told myself all week long that I needed to come up with something more creative, something more messy, I am the mother of two boys, this should NOT be that hard to accomplish! In the end I didn't achieve "outside of the box" but I did get out of the "food box". And hey, last week there were over 400 entries in the kids category over at I ♥ Faces, my favorite photography blog. I can boast about a few good wins over the last month, as this popular growing website made it's debut, but this competition has gone global! I fear I haven't got a chance anymore and my husband, newly home from Iraq, is probably sitting in the bedroom right now reading "War And Peace", putting on woolly socks to keep warm in my absence, wondering when the dang blog entry will be complete...
As for the adults, here is TX we don't have that stuff y'all call SNOW. So during the winter months we make do with foam, and this Mama was having a blast, having not gotten to the part where she remembers that these children are going to need a ride home in her nice clean car!


Julie Rivera said... at March 2, 2009 at 6:33 AM

Hands down, a GREAT adult choice! It is hard to find messy adults; I would have to say youhave a very strong contendere here. And the processing on the child entry is gorgeous. She is indeed messy, but in an artful, colorful way. Great fun!

Vanessa said... at March 2, 2009 at 6:44 AM

Great photos! You are right, they are quite similar paint hands photos! So cute!

Megan said... at March 2, 2009 at 5:20 PM

I got your shout out thanks so much, your photos are great!

Carebear said... at March 2, 2009 at 10:01 PM

Sorry, I know this isn't the right place for this, but I can't get your email from your profile. I'm having a support our troops giveaway and wondered if you might share a photo to accompany/inspire people to give. I'd give you really obvious and loud credit of course! Email me if you're interested at Contest will run 3/15-20/09. Thanks!

Katarina said... at March 3, 2009 at 8:10 AM

I love the adult photo. It is too funny! Hey, thanks for postign the tutorial on enlarging pics too. I appreciated it.

DawnS said... at March 3, 2009 at 8:17 AM

I love both of your entries! Thank you so much for the tutorial - I can't wait to try it out on my blog!