Bluebonnets At Bedtime - Family Photographer, Sierra Vista, Arizona

As a mother of little ones, I truly have a hard time explaining to a client with small children that in the summer months, which are just beginning here in Texas, the light for photography is the best before 7:30am and after 7:30pm. And as a photographer it is always risky to schedule the little munchkins that late in the evening. Lucky for me, the smiles were as golden as the setting sun! I could not believe how well behaved and loving these siblings were, past their bedtime no less! I told their mother that when she was ready to write the book on "siblings that love eachother" I would surely buy a copy for everyone I know! Here is just a glimpse of our fun evening, born Texans in a truly Texan setting, back at those beautiful bluebonnets!

NOTE: Are you wondering why I have "Sierra Vista Photographer" on my blog header? Big News! Our family will be packing up and moving onward to Fort Huachuca, in Sierra Vista, Arizona, in two short months. I need to start turning some heads in my new hometown. Please help spread the word to Arizona that Photos By Karyn will have a new home in the coming year!


Julie Rivera said... at April 16, 2009 at 11:58 AM

These are darling! The kids together are so sweet, and I would be inclined to have a copy of that book, too! I think my favorite is the sisters holding hands together, but these all will definitely long be favorites for the family! (I wonder what kind of flowers Sierra Vista will have for you?...)

Merrie said... at April 16, 2009 at 1:52 PM

Wow, those blue bonnets just pop off the screen!! You certainly have an adorable family to photograph. I like how they were all dressed to highlight the flowers. If I was them, I'd be wanting to see more tonight, forget meals and bedtime routines. These are great.

Rochelle said... at April 16, 2009 at 4:10 PM

quite lovely! :)

Gina said... at April 16, 2009 at 7:20 PM

I'll be looking for you to arrive in Sierra Vista! We live in the Phoenix area and I've wished more than once that we lived close enough for you to take my family's photos...now you will be!