Nothing signals the arrival of spring on a military installation more than the onslaught of invitations for "Change of Command Ceremonies." For my non-military followers (hey! I have followers now!) this is a most important, sometimes career defining event, where an officer will take charge and lead a group of soldiers, in this case, an entire Regiment! (Specifically, the 3d Armored Calvary Regiment was replacing the outgoing 72nd Commander with the incoming 73rd Commander.) The gorgeous blue sky day was filled with distinguished guests, flowers delivered via horseback, artillery blasting echoes for all of Fort Hood to hear, and an impressive "Pass and Review" when hundreds of troops filled the parade field and marched to the beat of the 3ACR Band. There was no shortage of material to entertain my lens and after three and a half hours I was breathless and exhausted, left with the daunting task of choosing just a couple of my favorites to share in a sneak peek! Congratulations are in order to the new commander and his family, Good Luck and God Speed!
I've added some brief titles for those of you who have no idea why I am photographing a bucket of carrots ;) Though I have to admit, as a wife of a Military Intelligence officer, the learning curve for the day's events was quite high for me, having seldom witnessed all of the fanfare of a Cavalry Regimental Change of Command.
Soldiers from the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment march in formation on their way to Cooper Field, Fort Hood, Texas.
A bucket of carrots awaiting the ceremony, presented by the departing Commander's Wife to the Horse Cavalry Detachment.
Last minute review before the beginning of the ceremony.
A bouquet of yellow roses arrives by horseback and is presented according to tradition to the incoming Commander's wife.
The Commander's daughter, the most well behaved and well dressed child in a five mile radius of the ceremony.
"Trooping the Line" when the official party composed of the outgoing Commander, incoming Commander and the Regimental Sergeant Major, together with the III Corps Commander inspect the troops.
The official Change Of Command; the outgoing Commander, Colonel Bills, is passing the "saber of command" on to the New Commander, Colonel Allen.
Distinguished guest, Lt. General Retired Ramsey, takes in the impressive sights of the day.
Colonel Allen leads the troops in a "pass and review"; all soldiers march in formation past the grandstand and the official party.
Soldiers from the 3ACR marching in the "pass and review".
The party is officially over for this little one, the Commander's son, as he finds a comfortable shoulder and sleeps through the entire reception!
Apr 07
Change Is In The Air - A Sneak Peek!
Very nice work, particularly on such a bright day! You conveyed so many aspects of the event in this single blog post. I know the new RCO and his family will cherish these images forever!
Oh my goodness...I loved every single capture you shared with us. What a poignant tribute to those who bravely serve in our military.
(This is off topic, but I know you asked awhile ago about the "Photography Drives" I go on with my friends. I have a post about it on my blog today. Feel free to send me an email if you have any other questions to ask me. It's been such a fun learning experience for me!)
Wow,great work,love the curls on the daughter, and the son sleeping on the shoulder,precious.Vibrant colors.You certainly weren't on the sidelines for these pictures. Nice attention to details, no wonder you were exhausted.
Wonderful pictures! I can't even pick my favorite one, they're all so good!
Marvelous. Just marvelous.
what great work.
I just found your blog from I heart very happy...and am definitely looking forward to more! I noticed your DH was an intel officer -- I'm almost finihed with my masters in strategic intel and am the wife of a naval officer. Thanks for sharing such wonderful pictures -- my favorite was of the retired Lt. Gen. Absolutely priceless!
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