21 Weeks ▌A Silhouette Diary - Cochise County Photographer, Arizona

It's been one heck of a week. Started off with two days of Santa Portraits at a local Holiday Bazaar, which I hope to blog this weekend. Then two full portrait sessions and teaching a Digital Photography class, not to mention one hellish attempt at dressing up my own family for our Christmas card photo taken via timer: I got three shots off, in each shot someone looks good, in no shot does everyone look good. I love PhotoShop. A highlight of my week was spending an evening with Chas, a local Army wife, first time mother, about 8 months pregnant right now. Chas has been taking my photography classes and this week's in-class exercise was "found object silhouettes". We don't observe daylight savings time in Arizona so it is getting dark before class starts. I have been toying with a cowgirl idea for my own silhouette project and we tried it out in the headlights of my car. Certainly, some things needs tweaking- can you imagine doing this in front of a desert sunset?? but here are the results:(And for an added laugh out loud factor, I am only 21 weeks along, Chas' image of me is the first one. Chas is almost 8 months along, and her silhouette is below mine. We look nearly the same size, which someone so kindly pointed out that night. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Holly said... at November 13, 2009 at 8:51 PM

those are really cool photos. Great job!

Gry Offernes said... at November 14, 2009 at 12:51 AM


Julie Rivera said... at November 14, 2009 at 7:30 AM

Of course I looked at the pictures before I read the text and I thought you had some mighty long hair in the 2nd picture! :) What a cool image. I love the way you are challenging yourself and getting some wonderfully creative results. And that desert sunset idea would be spectacular...