Backyard Bliss - Sneak Peek! ▌Cochise County Photographer, Arizona

Yesterday with just brimming with moments of perfection. The very cloudy skies would alter between bright and sunny brilliance and dreamlike diffusion. I had the delightful challenge of shooting a one year old baby girl and her very extended family, many of whom had traveled from near and far for a mock 1st Birthday celebration. Our tiniest subject proved that reindeer ears, jingling bracelets, and home baked confections were not to receive her adoration, but rather the kisses and cuddles of multiple sets of Grandparents were her preference for big smiles. Just goes to show that no matter how much you prepare to dazzle your subjects, it pays to just kick back and let the wee one play in her own backyard (doesn't hurt to have a big old box of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios either!). A big Thank You to the many who traveled yesterday to share in the afternoon - enjoy your sneak peek!


Tiff Firth said... at November 16, 2009 at 7:25 AM

what lovely light you had to work with for those gorgeous shots. I have been lurking you for a while and have just started to 'follow' you. I really do appreciate your baby bump silhoutte shots. so precious. I have linked your blog onto mine so I can keep up to date with you. love your stuff.
ps. I from Australia.

Julie Rivera said... at November 16, 2009 at 4:09 PM

You would never know you were contending with cold weather situations! These are terrific! I really love the belly to belly shot and the two separate grandparent ones will be cherished treasures. What a happy, bright eyed, long lashed little lady you had to work with...always makes it easier, huh? :)