Am I The Ultimate Labor Inducer?

They say that the third time is a charm, call now to induce your labor! Two pregnant mothers in one month, both hoping for one last set of maternity belly photos, schedule a session two weeks before their due date. I always call the night before to check on how everyone is feeling and to remind the expectant mother not to wear anything that will leave strap marks or waistband indentations, and wouldn't you know, I get the mother-in-law answering the phone: "Oh Karyn, you haven't heard? They are delivering right now!"
The second session happened to be a dear friend of mine with whom I attended grades K-12, one of the very few classmates I keep in touch with throughout my many moves across the world. I was blessed to have the oportunity to visit with this very proud new mother in the hospital the day after her first son was born. We may not have gotten maternity photos, but here is a sneak peek at Cyrus John's first moments in this fantastic world!


Julie Rivera said... at July 7, 2008 at 2:17 PM

Welcome to blogging! I love the soft feel to your color palette! Looks like you are official now. :)