Twice The Task - A Newborn Sneak Peek! ▌Sierra Vista Baby Photographer, Arizona

I've undertaken many things in my life that have required an early wake-up time. I rowed crew in college, but seldom felt the early hour was worth it prior to seeing the gorgeous sunrise on the river, a definite love/hate relationship. I cycled my way through several semesters at the University of Arizona, meeting my girlfriend for road rides at 5am to avoid the desert heat and sun, yet another love/hate experience driven by the notion that someone was waiting for me at the corner of Grant and 6th Ave, surely to be disappointed if I didn't show. When my sons were newborns it took a good book on CD to render me cheery for those early morning nursing sessions. In general, I'm really not a morning person. BUT- whenever I book a portrait session, no matter the time, I sleep lightly and jump out of bed with excitement, because my job is maybe the one thing that belongs to only me (all you mothers out there know what it means to share everything, right?!) My phone buzzed with a text message at 5:54am this morning and I nearly giggled in my sleep because I knew I had twins waiting for my lens! Thank you to this beautiful family for entrusting the documentation of such precious little boys to me. Thank you for your patience as the shoot stretched into it's third hour. Thank you for following my every suggestion and instruction as we worked our way through numerous backdrops and poses. Thank you for not freaking out when one boy pee'd on the other, I warned you that newborn photography can be less than glamorous! It was my absolute pleasure to linger over not one, but two precious 7 week old boys, thank you so much for the opportunity and enjoy your sneak peek!


Blake said... at January 10, 2010 at 6:00 PM

Oh Karyn! Thank you so much for these GORGEOUS pictures and for your very kind note. We were all blessed to have you take the photos of the boys. Daniel and Matthew don't know how lucky they are - and neither do all your boys - to have you!

Sassyfrass said... at January 10, 2010 at 7:17 PM

Oh my word! What precious babies and you captured them beautifully!

Holly said... at January 10, 2010 at 8:45 PM

Oh oh oh! Look at that little smooshed up cheek and those tiny toes and and and......

*lets breath out softly*

good job Karyn!

Julie Rivera said... at January 10, 2010 at 8:59 PM

Oh by golly you NAILED it! You nailed every necessary detail, you got two spectacular shots of the boys together...that first one absolutely takes the cake...they seem blissfully happy with one another, just as twins should. A tremendous job, to say the very least. The light was superb and the skin tones are so creamy are perfect! Gorgeous work!

Unknown said... at January 10, 2010 at 10:40 PM

Oh, they are so precious! I love these pictures. Very nice work Karen!

whoatemycrayons said... at January 11, 2010 at 5:52 AM

You can't go wrong with squashy faces and squishy bodies. How very adorable.

Katarina said... at January 11, 2010 at 10:01 AM

Those are beautiful. So precious and perfect. I think the first one has to be my favorite.

Unknown said... at January 11, 2010 at 4:48 PM

Oh my goodness!! That first one is too, too precious.

Beautiful job.

Anonymous said... at January 12, 2010 at 7:27 AM

BEAUTIFUL!! Your photos amaze me even more, every time I see a new ones. Wish you were closer...

Twincerely,Olga said... at January 12, 2010 at 12:23 PM

so beautiful!!! wow,I wish you could have done my twinkies when they were small!!!!

Anonymous said... at January 12, 2010 at 7:14 PM

The picts and the boys are beautiful!!!-Annie