One Snowy Saturday... ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona

It never fails. We get the worst weather when my husband travels. And it isn't just an unexpected rainstorm; we had the wind and ice storm of the century up in Seattle in 2004 right after he flew to Korea. We had tornados touch down on Fort Hood, Texas, when he was in Iraq. Now, the second snowstorm of the season has landed in Fort Huachuca, AZ, while the man "conferenced" at Disney in Orlando without us... (For those of you who think that was cruel, think again - would YOU accompany your husband, while 7 months pregnant, with a 2 and 4 year old, to Disney for just two days, of which he would be in meetings the entire time? I didn't think so.) The Boy woke up early, as in- the sun hadn't risen yet early, and I lay in bed and barely counted to 7 before I heard his excited little voice rise with the word's "Mommy! It Snowed!!" I swear I need to install a nice high hook and eye latch on the doors to keep his enthusiasm indoors until after breakfast if this weather pattern is going to continue. I never dreamed that we would actually see a snowy winter in Arizona, but it's come true two times now, and the husband made it home from the airport just in time to take The Boy out for a romp. Oh, where was Mommy? Mommy doesn't play in the snow? Yeah, Mommy was inside nursing The Baby, who decided that Saturday morning art class was a prime time to explore the adventures of public stomach flu...


Tiff Firth said... at January 24, 2010 at 6:27 AM

o my gosh. your photos are just breathtaking. are these with your new wide angle lens??

Sassyfrass said... at January 24, 2010 at 10:41 AM

Gorgeous as usual. We're coming to your house after the next snow storm. I'm tired of the pathetic dustings we get down here...

Holly said... at January 24, 2010 at 2:22 PM

aren't THOSE just stunning?

Merrie said... at January 24, 2010 at 3:42 PM

Heilman meets Huachuca? Nice shots.
Those hook and eyes are in the top drawer by the calendar!