Toes? What toes? - 31 Weeks ▌A Silhouette Diary - Cochise County Photographer, Arizona

Just a few more weeks to go... No nursery set up, no name chosen yet, no hospital bag packed, and now I apparently have no toes. They aren't there anymore. Every time I look down I am greeted by a whole lot of belly. A very funny thing happened this week in yoga, we were finishing the class with a headstand, which I am proud to say I am still quite good at, and the baby in-utero must have really liked the sensation of being right-side up for once, or maybe suddenly found himself with extra room, because he started some serious acrobatics. The room was so quiet, everyone focused on getting up against the wall just right, and then I hear, from the other side of the room mind you, at least 15 feet away: "Oh my God! The baby is moving!!" This of course was followed by everyone, except for me, coming out of the headstand and stopping to watch my belly, my gigantic belly, wiggle and jiggle like a circus show! Too funny! Been thinking about some other silhouettes to try, but until I get one to be successful, flattering, accentuating the right parts and not all the parts, here is a funny shot of my belly button (usually a total inward button), which has "popped".


Tiff Firth said... at January 24, 2010 at 6:25 AM

lol Karyn. that is too funny. to hear movement from across the room would have been amazing and then to watch the tummy move around is a mind spin. having been there a couple of times it is one thing I do truely miss.

Melissa G said... at January 24, 2010 at 9:28 AM

That's totally amazing that you can still do headstands! And what a funny story!

Tiff Firth said... at January 24, 2010 at 4:49 PM

the lens is a Canon 75-300mm IS. f8 1/250 iso 400. for the lunar photo on my blog.


tripod. manual focous.
lots of cropping in photoshop. (that's the trick.)

Julie Rivera said... at January 25, 2010 at 9:57 AM

Love the divet caused by your bellybutton. :) Pregnancy has its way with us women, doesn't it?! Glad you are still chronicling...even though the end is in sight!