A Few Favorites

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I've had the privilege of working with this young lady several times as she graciously volunteers to model for all of the Photo Walks I lead for Fort Huachuca. Recently we took a group of seven photography students to Bisbee, AZ, to roam the streets and practice portrait lighting techniques. The morning was really beautiful, if not a little chilly. We were shooting on Brewery Gulch, a street that at 9am boasts sunshine on one side of the street and shade on the other. It was the perfect situation in which to learn about bouncing and reflecting light and then diffusing the light for that perfect glow. All of these shots were taken with natural light, no flash, and come straight out of the camera except for resizing and watermarking. Flawless skin, gorgeous girl, glorious morning = perfection! Thank you "T" for always volunteering and honoring our every request!
A couple of these shots feature my students in action, just thought I would throw in a little perspective. If this kind of event sounds like fun, we have another walk scheduled for Saturday, February 26, at 9am. Please contact me for details! We also have additional walks coming up in March!


Elle said... at February 24, 2011 at 1:44 PM

How lovely Taylor is now.. She was a beautiful Child.. She is a stunning young lady!