
Nothing compares to scooping up your baby and having them cling to you, hug you, rest their head on your shoulder, nothing. Awhile back we were at the playground, my friend and I with all of our kids, with cameras in hand. Granted, with four little ones and my youngest finally mobile and getting into everything, we seldom get more than 5 clicks of the shutter before someone gets injured, has been assigned the role of "monster" and no longer wants to play, or needs to be hoisted into a swing... I met this friend when she attended my digital photography classes offered through the Army, and she is such an eager student, I just love when she calls and wants to get out to "play" with her camera. So on this day we got talking about sun flare and in the briefest of moments I demonstrated where she should stand her subject, and where she should shoot from, and I think I took three frames before I was blinded by the sun. When I got home I found this picture and man, does it ever make my heart flutter when I capture a great shot of a wonderful person in my life!