
It was darn cold, and down right windy, but my photography students from Fort Huachuca braved the elements for a chance to "Photo Walk" in Tombstone. This was our first walk in Tombstone, and in fact we did not walk that far as there are so many characters and distinguished actors milling about the main street it is hard to stray far from the beaten path. Parents be advised that the legends speak in rough cowboy tongues and don't seem to curb their slang for even the littlest of curious ears! And EVERYONE is willing to pose for a snapshot with you, even if only for the chance to whisper something completely inappropriate in your ear... It was a great day, I think my favorite image is the door handle to the Tombstone courthouse, of all things, a door handle, but it sure it "perty"! Our next Photo Walk will be in Bisbee on March 12th, at 9am. Please contact me for information on how to register and join us!