Rare Moments

Our weekends don't get much sweeter than this! Yes, these children have the same parents. Yes, they came from the same gene pool. I am in awe of how God gave me two boys, two beautifully different individuals, and two times the trouble! I am also amazed that on this particular morning they were laying next to each other without needing a referee. New York was down in the 60's last night resulting in the appearance of brand new, matching, long sleeved Cowboy pj's, THANK YOU MEMOM for up-ing the cute factor! The pajama party in Mommy's bed started around 6am when the wee-one decided that his hobbit tummy was ready for First Breakfast. No, I have no plans to cut The Boy's hair, regardless of what Major Dad has to say. I have a new opinion on rearing boys these days. Having the second baby this year has significantly lowered my standards. But I'm growing quite fond of shaggy hair and retro shorts (The Boy's cargo shorts are usually long enough to cover his knees- but his Uncle's shorts from the 70's are mid-thigh perfection!) I also love being in New York, away from Texas fire ants, where The Boy can spend the month running barefoot in the grass. I also believe, and this is an important one, that there is a time and a place for every man to own a Speedo swimsuit - that time is now, from about age 2-4 only. It not only makes potty training a little easier, but it makes for many adorable "little bun" moments, which will serve as incredible blackmail material when he is about 16 or 17 years old...


Julie Rivera said... at July 13, 2008 at 10:26 AM

LOVE that first one! From your narrative, though, I hope you aren't wooed too much by NY. I need you back here, my friend. :)