3 Great Digital Communication Tools for Educators

Digital communication is a key component to keeping students and teachers informed about classroom activities and important information.  Making information easily accessible is paramount to reaching as many parents and families as possible.  With a myriad of applications and programs meant to simplify the communication process, it is difficult to decide which are best and will stand the test of time.  There is nothing more frustrating to a parent than to have to learn a new communication app every semester and a different app for every teacher.  Here are three of the most successful digital communication tools teachers should consider for streamlining their parent communication efforts:

Tool Name:  Remind
Cost: FREE Digital Communication Tool
Key Features:  Remind is a two-way, text-based messaging program used on mobile devices and desktop computers.  After a very quick set-up, teachers send class announcements and collaborate with colleagues to communicate with specific groups of students and parents.  Teacher’s draft scheduled announcements or remind students in the moment.  Remind shares photos, important class documents, information about upcoming quizzes and tests, field trip and permission slip reminders, and request special supplies or classroom support through a secure network and monitor who is receiving and reading class messages for maximized communication.  Teachers are accessible but have the choice to post “office hours”.  This minimizes unnecessary late night and weekend interruptions and supports teacher privacy.  In addition to group messaging, Remind supports communication with specific parents and student via Chat. Furthermore, multi-language translation is available at the push of a button, allowing teachers to communicate more effectively with ELL populations.   
Disadvantages: Parents and students have varying access to digital devices.  For students with personal devices, Remind becomes a replacement for solid organizational and planning skills.  When students do not own a cell-phone, the parent must relay every message, minimizing opportunities for student responsibility.  Consequently, there is no class calendar feature to support student planning.  Some teachers may rely too heavily on last minute notifications, frustrating parents who need to plan and orchestrate multiple schedules.  Additionally, users of Remind are not able to chat privately with one another, only the teacher initiates the conversation.     
Using this Tool:  This tool is best used for whole class reminders about upcoming dates and activities, and long-term class projects.  Remind is also effective when important documents need signatures.  Also consider using Remind for announcing school holidays, half days, and parent-teacher conferences.   

Tool Name:  Bloomz
Tool URL: https://bloomz.net/
Cost: FREE Digital Communication Tool
Key Features:  Bloomz in an all-inclusive application combining text messaging, email, scheduling capabilities, forum for questions, and document storage.  Classroom management begins with a personalized social media style page where teachers post announcements, class photos, and videos.  Teachers can see who is receiving and reading class messages for maximized communication.    A behavior management program within Bloomz allows the teacher to record student behavior and assign awards for positive behavior reinforcement.  Sign-up options make scheduling parent-teacher conferences and class parties/special events streamlined.  In Bloomz, students document their work and create a sharable portfolio throughout the school year.  This application allows parents to communicate with each other without sharing phone numbers.  In an age where school directories are guarded for privacy, the Bloomz program promotes a sense of community by connecting parents within a classroom.  Multi-language translation is available at the push of a button, allowing teachers to communicate more effectively with ELL populations.  
Disadvantages:  Setting up a Bloomz account can take upwards of 20 minutes or more depending on how much information and personalization goes into the creation of the class page and directory.  Giving parents the opportunity to comment and interact on the classroom page may ignite unnecessary drama.  The teacher must moderate all comments to ensure that the discussion stays focused on teaching and learning. 
Using this Tool:  This tool is best used to maintain positive communication with parents.  Use this tool to update families about classroom activities and achievements, schedule whole class reminders about upcoming dates and activities, and keep on task with long-term class projects.  Bloomz is also effective when the teacher must ask for volunteers in the classroom and donations.  This tool can minimize the number of places a parent needs to check-in for reminders, behavior management, grades, and class activities; therefore, Bloomz should be used when a teacher wishes to streamline their communication resources.

Tool Name:  Edublogs
Tool URL: www.edublogs.org
Cost: Free, up to 1 GB.  Pro version available for $7.95 per month or $39.95 per year.
Key Features:  A platform for writing and collaborating, Edublogs are individual and classwide forums for collaborating and continuing class based discussions.  The interface is customizable, offering a variety of colors, templates, menus, and widgets, as well as comment moderation by the designated administrator.  Teachers have the option to lock specific assignments following a due date.  Teachers and students use Edublogs to share current events, thoughts, opinions, and ideas with each other, parents, and administration.  Publishing work to a public forum gives students valuable online experience.  Students learn editing and formatting skills, navigation of customizable menus and techniques for working with hyperlinks.   A variety of privacy options enable teachers to incorporate lessons about digital citizenship.    
Disadvantages:  There are certain media limitations with the free account.  A limited amount of storage space means students will likely not be able to share large videos and audio recordings, limiting multi-media capabilities.  There are distracting advertising links in the free version. 
Using this Tool:  Teachers should use this tool to keep students connected to course materials, news, and important links, from school, home, or while traveling.  Blog posts facilitate group discussions and support collaborative assignments.  Class blogs also support student ownership of class curriculum, increasing student engagement.  Edublogs keep parents well informed with frequent updates and in-depth writing from a variety of sources; not all classroom news needs to come directly from the teacher.  Lastly, Edublogs are a valuable forum on which to survey students, ask for feedback, and show interest and empathy in student experiences.   

Do you have a favorite tool for digital communication?  What helps you relay information and form relationships with your students and their families?

Bloomz (2017).  One app for all your parent communication.  Retrieved from https://bloomz.net/
Edublogs (2017).  Easy blogging for education.  Retrieved from https://edublogs.org/
Halloran, J. (2016). 7 effective parent teacher communication tips [Digital image].  Retrieved from http://hallr.com/effective-teacher-communication-tips/

Remind (2017).  School communication shouldn’t be so hard. Retrieved from https://www.remind.com/