Lakeside Sneak Peek!

I was SO excited after this shoot that I actually plugged into the laptop and was downloading the images off my camera on the drive home! The only problem with this idea is that I crested the back road coming back towards Fort Hood, driving into a gorgeous tangerine and cotton candy sunset, and a blackhawk helicopter rose up out of the trees in silhouette right in front of me and I had no camera to get the shot! What does Homer Simpson say? "Dope!"

This incredibly laid back family had not one, but two major hams competing for the lens. I mentioned to their mother that I've been wanting to do a shoot out at Belton Lake and she was quick to accept. The day was perfect. There was a cool breeze off the lake, evening sunshine, comfortable warm weather for bare toes and shoulders. The little man was VERY gracious for the camera, oodles of smiles and easy to please. Sweet baby girl was in love with the grass, the quilt, the tiny pebbles on the playground, and chocked full of gummy toothless grins. Thank you for inviting me to share in the joys that have been bestowed upon your family! Enjoy your sneak peek!


Julie Rivera said... at October 1, 2008 at 6:11 PM

Very fun, happy images! That first one with mom and babe mirroring each other's expression is priceless! And you are right about the boy, he was hamming it for you in number two. Really nice, Karyn!