Hiking In Heels - A Sneak Peek! ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona

I met this sweet Mama years ago in Korea. See, that is the very cool thing about military life; yes, we move much too frequently and you leave great friends behind. But on the flip side, I almost always bump into someone I know at the new post! We both have husbands now, and children, but one thing hasn't changed: her incredible style, and though I told her we would be on a nature trail she didn't compromise good looks for comfort! I won't lie, we had to work really really hard (two whole packages of M&M's, a magnifying glass, and fruit snacks kind of hard!) to get one of our subjects to warm to the camera, but I challenge you to figure out who it was, and it's probably NOT who you suspect! Enjoy your sneak peek!


Julie Rivera said... at April 26, 2009 at 8:16 AM

How beautiful, Karyn! I love the pictures of Dad with each child. The lighting and setting were both wonderful and you did it! You got a great family picture, despite your claims of difficulty. :) Who cares that someone was sent home hyped on sugar...you got the shot and they will be so happy!

Holly said... at April 26, 2009 at 12:52 PM

I love all of them, but the one with Mom and the two kids, with the little boy scrunching up his face made me laugh out loud.

great job!

Beth@Pages of Our Life said... at April 30, 2009 at 4:29 PM

These are beautiful! My favorite is the couple one and the angle that you used to capture them.