It seems lately I am suffering from addiction... It used to be the weekly photo contest over at I ♥ Faces. Now these clever girls are having a "Fix It Friday" blog where each week you can download an image of their choosing and try to edit the image to make it better. This week's image comes from Jen, My Mindless Musings. To me, the exposure was looking really good to begin with, and thus the challenge, how do you take a really nice photo and have it be a standout, especially when there are oodles of talented photographers participating and posting their edits each week. Interested in photography? You cannot possible visit this site and NOT learn something nifty and useful in just minutes! Watch out, it might just be YOUR next addiction.

Here is my take on the image:

I have to give credit to Pea Head Prints who was the first that I noticed to flip flop the image horizontally. I borrowed that idea as well. In my head I knew right away that I wanted to crop to a square, and well, given that the photo was a close-up, it wasn't possible with the original image to achieve the composition that I wanted. In the end I decided to "draw" more head, so part of the head in my image is make believe. I showed it to my husband and his crtical eye couldn't locate what I had done, and at the end of the day his pat on my back is enough of an ego boost for me.

It's Black & White week over at I ♥ Faces! If it weren't for this site I definitely wouldn't have my blog up to date each week. The lure of great photographs, inspiring ideas, and creative challenges keeps me clicking on this awesome photo site. It's a joy for everyone, professional or beginner, so head on over and join the fun! My favorite for this week was captured yesterday, as my three year old son and his "lady love" visited a local fire station for some birthday fun. The tight pinch of the engine's headset made for some seriously chubby cheeks and a whole lot of laughs!

I ♥ Faces - KIDS ENTRY


The Boy is now 3. How did this happen? How is it possible that our first born, cheeky little monkey, the baby that made such a dramatic debut after a sunset helivac ride and ten days in a Korean hospital, is now a running, non-stop talking, free thinking, noodle slurping three year old? It feels like yesterday he was snuggled up at my breast, nursing as though his life depended on it. Oh wait, it did. And now he is not only talking, but starting to put together a few quality stand-up routines: A couple of weeks ago he discovered that tacos really are yummy and proclaimed "Mommy, I have a huge taco tummy! It's big, like a man" he says while rubbing his stomach after dinner... and my personal favorite, because you simply have to laugh when they come up with something that comes out so honest and sincere, happened just yesterday as we were driving very close to home and he saw the garbage truck pull out in front of us: "Mommy, that garbage truck has a really big bottom! It's just like yours!" I'm thoroughly enjoying having my husband home to hear such comments, that way The Boy can be removed from the car and told to walk home, along with his chuckling chaperone... We still have to party, Mama's had the flu and the big Fire Engine Birthday chi-bang shall commence on Sunday evening. 'Til then, enjoy these favorites from his actual big day, the day he turned 3, the day he became capable of ten times more trouble....

Here is the original photo, not mine, from a contributor to the www.I ♥ website.

And this is my take on fixing it up and cropping it for a more interesting composition. I only spent about five minutes on this, with The Boy on one arm and The Baby on my leg, and the husband behind me saying "what are we gonna do today?" Be sure to go check out other entries, people who spent a lot more time and talent than I to doctor this image!

I ♥ Faces Adult Entry

I ♥ Faces Kids Entry:

Another week, another contest! And this week's "wonder" theme left me wondering, how do I interpret wonder? In the end I had to go with my absolute favorite redeployment photo of a brand new Daddy meeting his baby girl with wife and mother looking on. He was in awe and probably still suffers from perma-grin, the relief was written all over her face. To me, this newly reunited couple and the new baby was "wonder" for sure. Then, when it came to the kids entry, I had about ten pictures pulled aside that I thought fit the bill. However, this afternoon we took cupcakes into my almost three year old's preschool (his birthday is tomorrow!) and his little classmate was just cracking me up. I couldn't help but "wonder" what she was thinking. Was she "wondering" how long she would have to wait before she could eat it? Was she thinking "if I eat this, then it will be gone?!" Or was she disappointed that it wasn't chocolate... Her cupcake conundrum had me laughing and I knew that I would use this photo for this week's contest... Swing on over to I ♥ for a glimpse at some truly "wonder"ful entries or to join the fun yourself!

Wednesday was an exciting day. More soldiers arrived than with any other group, which made for a huge gathering of friends, families, and adorable kiddos! General Hammond led the troops onto the parade field for a special "uncasing of the colors" ceremony and smiles were plentiful as the unit's accomplishments were announced, the service members praised for their hard work and dedication. General Hammond kissed his hand and then pressed his hands to the flags before unrolling them, signifying the return of the unit from war. It was a beautiful sight and I hope that these images capture what many of the families in attendance were feeling on this emotional day!

Who am I? My name is Karyn Kuniyuki, I am a 4ID spouse and local portrait photographer. You can see more of my work at or on this blog. If you see your photo in the album please leave a comment! All photos are copyright by Karyn Kuniyuki. Please use these photos for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not reproduce the image without written consent; should you choose to post your image on facebook or myspace, please give proper reference to Please forward this album to as many 4ID family and friends as possible! Thank you! -Karyn

CLICK HERE to see photos from Wednesday, 11 February 2009!

Welcome Home Soldiers! Thank you for checking out my blog and I sincerely hope you all find a photo worth saving! Click on the link below to see the album from Tuesday's ceremony! This flight was a special one for me, my husband came home on this flight. (On that note however, I took a ton of photos before the big arrival, but I don't have many "reunion photos" to share as I was busy smooching and crying over in left field... Please take a trip over to my very talented friend Julie Rivera's website and blog to see her capture of the day! She may also be posting an album in the near future!)

Who am I you wonder? My name is Karyn Kuniyuki, I am a 4ID spouse and local portrait photographer. You can see more of my work at or on this blog. If you see your photo in the album please leave a comment! All photos are copyright by Karyn Kuniyuki. Please use these photos for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not reproduce the image without written consent; should you choose to post your image on facebook or myspace, please give proper reference to Please forward this album to as many 4ID family and friends as possible! Thank you! -Karyn

CLICK HERE For Welcome Home Ceremony Photos From Main Body 3 - Arrival on 10 February 2009!

Honestly, I can hardly remember a thing from yesterday's homecoming. My dear friend and fellow photographer, the very talented Julie Rivera, was with me to document the homecoming of my own soldier. She said it perfectly in her blog, that the overwhelming screams from the crowd, the music, the tears, was all too much and she had to focus on one thing, the camera. I have to agree, because I can only remember what I saw through my lens, and I am still processing those pictures while one foot heads out the door to the next ceremony this morning! Please head over to Julie's website:Julie Rivera Photography to see her take on the day. And shoot her a comment begging for her to throw all her photos into my Kodak Gallery for families!

Dear Soldier and Family,
I captured this fantastic intimate moment of your little family snuggle and much to my surprise, a local publication would like to use it on thier cover for the next issue. If you could please contact me as soon as possible I would greatly appreciate it!

And if anyone out there happens to know this family, please send me their name so I can contact them! Thanks!

I felt so bad for the families with small kiddos on this one. The hour was well past midnight and the poor tots were exhausted! But, spirits were high for the 1am arrival and arrive they did, with the full fire engine shower and police escort, lights and sirens! Well, on a personal note, the greatest thing about this redeployment ceremony is that it was the last one I would attend alone. The next ceremony, and the next blog post, will be the one where, after 15 LONG months, my boys and I are reunited with my love! Enjoy this sneak peek! (And if you need more of a fix, click on the link at the bottom to enter the very lengthy Kodak Gallery from the evening.)


The hour was late, very late, the sleeping babies were plenty, the cranky tired toddlers were plenty too, but we were all there and waiting. On Saturday night around 10pm I joined hundreds of anxious families in their wait for those big white buses at Cameron Field. This is admitedly my first time shooting an event at length in the dark. Flood lights made for some extreme shadows and an interesting challenge, but there was certainly no shortage of fun subject matter. To see all of my favorites from the night please click on the link below!


I ♥ Faces Adult Entry

I ♥ Faces Kids Entry:

Maybe it was sleep deprivation that made these two brand new parents such silly-heads; then again, I've known them both for 24 years and they have always made me laugh and smile! These are my entries for this week's photo contest at I ♥!

Today was a hard day for me. Today was a great day for me! Today I was welcoming home over 150 soldiers from the 4th Infantry Division here at Fort Hood, and none of them would be my husband. My wait continues. I dropped my children off at the babysitter so I could focus 110% on the families of the day. I grabbed a bagel and turned the car towards the parade field where they would all be gathering for the 11am ceremony, and that is when the flood gates opened. Just a glimpse of the American flags waving in the wind along the parade field and the tears started coming fast. I thought to myself "Geez, Karyn! Pull yourself together girl, you have pictures to take!" I literally prayed to God for the strength to get through the morning, to calm my nerves, to steady my lens, and dry my darn eyes. I turned the radio on and my favorite Christian song (yes, Julie, I was rocking out to KLOVE again...) "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath began to play. If that isn't a sign I don't know what is. Here are just the opening lines:
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

It was the boost I needed, and here is a sneak peek of the day's work.

Despite the DJ and hundreds of people, some of us napped through most of the excitement...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the buses with your loved ones are here!"

Yellow, it's the new pink!

Soldiers lining up in formation before they march across Cameron Field to their loved ones.

She rested her head on his shoulder for an entire tv interview, and it's probably still there tonight!

Hardly a dry eye on the field and this beautiful soldier is all smiles!

If anyone is happier to have their husband home, it is a new mother!

To see the Kodak Album from this redeployment ceremony, CLICK HERE!

I ♥ Faces Pets:

I ♥ Faces Adults:

I ♥ Faces Kids:

Exciting week at I ♥ They have just added a "Pets" category to their weekly contest, and though we don't own any pets, how on earth could I possibly care for and clean up after ANOTHER living being, we have loads of "pet aquaintances". As usual, I had a really hard time deciding on my kiddo entry this week, I had to make a few calls in fact, a vote before the vote if you will! See my next blog post for the many I had to choose from.