Good Morning Sunshine! ▌Sierra Vista Photographer, Arizona

I have been photographing this family since the arrival of "Mr Lashes". Seriously, this family is blessed with some seriously gorgeous brown eyes and lashes that probably would have Heidi Klum and her comrades quitting their day jobs. The morning was, well, to be perfectly honest, much too sunny, much much too windy, and we were all up too early in an attempt to beat the sun AND wind. But how can a mother possibly complain when the smiles are this charming! Enjoy your sneak peek!

(P.S. I know there are no bluebonnets in Arizona, these photos were taken in Fort Hood, Texas, but I am starting to pack my boxes for the big move to Ft Huachuca, AZ! I am now scheduling senior portrait sessions for the Class of 2010 beginning in August, these sessions will be in Arizona!)


Carebear said... at April 24, 2009 at 10:50 PM

Gorgeous. That shot of the two of them together is perfect!!! How do you do that?! I tried getting my own two last night at sunset in front of a west facing window - the light was so pretty, but I didn't get a single shot where they were both looking at the camera without the little Beast making some kind of silly face. Grrr... You are such a talent. Arizona will be lucky to have you - hope you are booking photo shoots left and right once you're there!

Julie Rivera said... at April 25, 2009 at 6:38 AM

Hey, despite the crazy sun, you managed to capture some beautiful pictures of these two! And great interactions between brother and sister, which can be hard at their ages.